Posts with tag: "side hustle"
6 out of 7 Ain't Bad!
Sunday, February 06, 2022
6 out of 7 Ain't Bad!

What am I talking about?? Hang tight...I'll explain! There's a few things I should be dealing with now that I'm 50.....(GULP!!!! Did I just announce my age to EVERYONE that will read this....oh well!!!) 1. Night Sweats2. Stubborn Belly Pooch3. Joint Pain4. Dull Skin5. Thinning Hair6. Lack of Energy7. Gut Issues WELLLLL, I'm here to tell you, the ONLY issue I still have is those damn Night Sweats!!(I'll be addressing that at my next PCP appointment!) The other 6 issues......GONE!!! Because, with research, I found the best products out there and the best company to work with! (you may or may not have seen this on my social) I've been using their skin care line for about 3 years and the collagen for the past 11 months. Zeke (my husband) jumped on board a few months after me. I added their TRIM (the belly blaster, we call it) and Trebiotic 2 months ago. I have to say...I feel amazing! They have a ton of products I've yet to try, but I'll only share what I have experience with; the HERO Products that have changed my life!! * I wake up now with ZERO joint stiffness, * My skin is nicer now than in my 20's, * My hair grows like a weed and is sooooo much thicker, * My momma belly poooooooch.....flat!!! * I have a ton of energy to run 3 businesses,(oh, and my gut health....let's just say...I'm consistently ...

9 Health Secrets for Women Over 50
Saturday, February 05, 2022
6 out of 7 Ain't Bad!

9 Health Secrets for Women Over 50 As of December 10, 2021…I joined the “I’m freaking 50 years old” club!! As of 2020, life expectancy for women in the United States is 80.5 years, and you may live much longer than that. Taking care of your health can help you to celebrate more birthdays and increase the quality of your life. You probably know that women tend to live longer than men. However, you may be surprised to learn that women are at higher risk for many conditions that are common in old age. That includes cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke. Lifestyle changes and medical care can help prevent and treat many of these issues. Discover health secrets that women over 50 need to know. Dealing with Menopause The average age of menopause is 51. This natural decline in reproductive hormones affects your body in many ways. Symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats can last for several years or more, but usually decrease in frequency and intensity over time. Currently, I am going to bed freezing with a hoodie and knit hat on, and waking up at 4pm in a pool of sweat thinking I just did laps at the local ‘Y’. (This is the “hat” I sleep in at night.) These strategies can help you to deal with the symptoms of menopause:Fight weight gain. Many women notice their body weight ...

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